artist | engineer | musician
Feedback Lap Steel guitar with active string technology. The instrument has a transducer built into the bridge so that energy can be put directly into the strings. This enables infinite sustain with controlled feedback and the injection of other sounds and rhythms by a computer while it can still be played as a traditional lap steel guitar.
Initially designed & fabricated at Stanford University, 2012. I built a control box and presented at NIME in 2015.
Feedback Lap Steel guitar with active string technology. The instrument has a transducer built into the bridge so that energy can be put directly into the strings. This enables infinite sustain with controlled feedback and the injection of other sounds and rhythms by a computer while it can still be played as a traditional lap steel guitar.
Initially designed & fabricated at Stanford University, 2012. I built a control box and presented at NIME in 2015.
Lama Chenno - Cecilia Wu
Introduction - Jiffer Harriman